
Django Reversion + Wagtail = magic 🧙
How to use Django Reversion and Wagtail together to audit changes.
Async Django
Async Django
Easily update URL querystrings in a template
How to dynamically update URLs with a template tag.
Unique, but obfuscated URLs in Django
How to create unique, but obfuscated URLs in Django.

Prettier URLs with automatic slug generation 🐌
How to create cleaner URLs with slugs in Django.
Hi, I'm Adam 👋
I've been a backend programmer for ~20 years in a variety of different languages before I discovered Python 10 years ago and never looked back.
includes all the hard-won experience I've gained over the years building production-scale Django websites.
Feel free to reach out to me on Mastodon or make a GitHub Issue with questions, comments, or bitter invectives.
All code is licensed as MIT.